Friday, February 20, 2009

OMG! I'm Sick Again!

Damn...I was sick since the 1st day i came back here...Last few day ago, I'm hardly recovered from my sickness & got my "Sweet voice" back!!hehe...But damn! Guess what?I was sick again since yesterday....High Fever + Sore throat...and what even worst is, I got to sit for a exam at the same night...As the result, I Can't concentrated on doing the revision and I can't answer the exam questions...All I can remembered is the the things that included in the 1st chapter (Which I curi curi baca during the Managerial Accounting's class today..hehe).

Anyway, I would like to say thanksSsssSss so much to Fion & PingPing cux taking care of me yesterday...They even bought me a porridge befere we went to exam yesterday シ Thanks.

Tonight, I will be stay alone at home...sien~~but what to do.Hmmm..Hope they will enjoy their movie & i will recover soon.. シCheers~
*Looks pity enough ?Lol...