"In my life, s0metime | fall...And s0metime i Get up..ANyhoW, i'M juSt Keep On DaNc|nG. BeCauSe, I Be|ieve, tHere aRe n0 MISTAKES in Life, Indeed, jUst LESSONS...aNd i d0 Be|ieVe, eveRytHinG HaPpeN f0r a REASON. Therefore, NEVER reGret oN s0metHinG OnCe Made y0u sMiLe...PleaSe d0 Not Hesistate t0 |eave y0ur f0otPriNt |n My Life.CheeRss.."❤
Saturday, February 28, 2009
I'm very much Exhausted now !!It's almost 430am & I'm still awake doing my Final Year Project...Huh..anybody willing to keep me accompany and become storieSsSSs teller to me, so that i can keep awake and continue my work please?
add oil sis.
ReplyDeletedont add too much oil .. later become P I G ..
ReplyDeletelol..Bro, then i should add oil or not lei?^^