Sunday, February 22, 2009

My Baby is Gone

Sad~~My Babe is Gone. We have been together for about 2 years plus...And now, he is gone...He dumped me and will never come back to me anymore...I know, I'm Bad..I'M not a Good Babe either...I know it! I know It!..But what Can I do? Everything is too late...It's too Late for apologize...It's too late...And now, I'm Regret cux not taking good care of him..not enough sayang him....Sorry Baby...Sorry...Can you please don't walk away? I can't live without you...Can you give me a chance & Give us one more try please?Is it really nothing else that I can do to get u back by my side?

It's all my fault!!Blame me for my careless!! Baby, I know sometimes it's gonna rain....But Baby can we make up now because I can't sleep through the pain... I used to be by your side, but now, you is leaving. How I gonna go through every single days without you by side to guide me and keep me accompany??Oh, baby..Did you know that I was falling in love with you since the 1st sight I saw you? You Is cute, Light & Skinny...I appreciated you very much as you is a meaningful gift of me. You is something that really important in my life...I cannot take you out from my life...I love you! I Love you!...But everything is end, no matter how hard I try, you will never coming back anymore, right? Sorry Baby.....No matter what, I will always love you, My amor de w610i

Coming soon...."Touch & be touched"..uUhUuu~~^^v


  1. ermm...小蜜蜂还是跟你说声节哀顺便吧。。。很常时候,很多事情不是我们想像得到下一秒会发生什么。你的心情我很了解。因为我也有和你类似的遭遇。。我的小小宝贝只陪伴了我几个月呢。我都还没深入的了解他,他就离我而去了。。
    p/s:"她"很快就来给你Touch touch lor..
