Monday, January 26, 2009

Welcome t0 the GoldeN Ox Year!! is the 1st day of Chinese New Year...But Can't feel any new year mood around the corner yet. Even the visitors that came for visiting this year were much more less than previous years...
Was waitinG the whole day for the Lion Dance Performers to come to the house today but they turn up..sob sob~Hopefully they will come to our home tomorrow...^^v
Well, I'll try to upload more pics for this chinese new year celebration as soon as I finish collected and editing all the, till then, stay tune...
Anyway, Let's us welcome all the lucks, $$$, happiness, and everything goods and the best to come continously in all year round in this Lembu year & Let's Wave Goodbye to the year of tikus...Cheers❤

*WishinG all of you a Happy & Prosperous Ox Year*
*GonG xi Fa Cai*
Ps: WonderinG why My post was all in Red today?haha..Cux mummy said, today is Chinese New Year, So everything must red red punya...

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